Saving money on auto insurance can enable you to put a few extra dollars in your gas tank.
Why pay extra for auto insurance, if cheaper premiums are available?
Smart Options Insurance Agency offers insightful tips and 5 ways for you to save on auto insurance premiums.
Drive Safer
More than 125,000 auto accidents occur each year in Arizona.
As an at-fault state, a driver who causes an accident in Arizona is liable for any damages.
You can save on your auto insurance premiums in Arizona by driving safer and by employing some defensive driving skills.
If you avoid traffic citations, moving violations and accidents, you may be able to lower the cost of your auto insurance premiums.
Increase Your Deductible
Your insurance deductible is the amount that you’re responsible for toward a claim, while your insurance company covers the balance.
For instance, if your car is damaged in an accident and the bodywork amounts to $2,500, you might pay $500 toward your deductible costs, while your insurance company pays $2,000 toward the repairs.
However, using the example above, if your deductible amounts to $1,000 toward the repairs, your insurance company would pay $1,500 to cover the remaining cost.
Your deductible is predetermined at the start of your insurance policy.
By agreeing to share a larger portion of the costs (deductible), should an accident or a loss occurs, you can save money on your auto insurance premiums.
Inquire About Safe Driving Discounts
Auto insurance rates vary among drivers, according to factors such as their age, type of vehicle, home address and their driving record.
Insurance companies will increase insurance premiums for aggressive drivers who are involved in accidents and who receive excessive motor vehicle infractions.
Although, if you have maintained an excellent driving record for the past two or three years, you may be eligible for a safe driver discount.
Bundle Your Insurance Policies
Generally, insurance companies want to write as many policies as possible.
If you have two or more types of insurance coverage, you might save a tidy sum by bundling your insurance policies with one company.
For instance, if you have an auto insurance policy, a homeowners insurance policy and a life insurance policy, bundling several of your policies may enable you to save on your annual insurance costs.
Get an Auto Insurance Quote
Auto insurance rates will vary among insurance companies.
You’ll need to compare several insurance companies to find the best auto insurance rates in Arizona.
You can work with a licensed auto insurance professional in Arizona to find ultra-competitive insurance rates.
Contact Smart Options Insurance Agency today about getting an auto insurance quote and saving money on your insurance premiums.